Tuesday 29 September 2015


You don't have to listen 
To the rumors and hyper 
Or let others brand you 
With a stereotype
You don't need the clothes,
Or the shoes,or the car
Just believe in yourself and be who you are.
You can try hard in school
Without belong a geek,
Cause there is way more to life
Than the popular clique 
Joining the geeks doesn't make u uncool
Its those who say otherwise who are the fools.
Join a club, or a fellowship, or even a drama club.
You don't have to be great,
Just get out there and start 
And whatever you do
Let it come from the heart.
Be it music or writing,or drama or sports
Don't let anyone else make you think you fall short.
Oh, the things you can do
If you be who you are.
Just be true to yourself and you will go far.
Oh, the people you'll meet
Of all different kinds
Just forget about labels
Androgen your mind.
Oh the things you will learn 
And the world you will see
If you say to yourself :


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